3: Strong Emotions are Your Dreams Yelling, “Pay Attention!”

May 13th, 2020 · 30 mins 58 secs

About this Episode

Dreams from this episode:

  • A dream of supportive musicians that makes the dreamer cry
  • A dream of 2 trees: a juniper with hundreds of songbirds and a dead cottonwood with a raven
  • A dream of a path between a brick wall and a wall of trees, ending on a cliff overlooking a lake
  • A dream of eating a black kitten on a rooftop at night
  • A dream of a frozen castle floating above an ocean of molten lava
  • A dream of a shining, pulsing light above a flat rocky expanse

Themes from this episode:

  • One important question to ask yourself about a dream is, “What conscious attitude is this dream compensating or balancing?” If your conscious self is becoming too one-sided in some way, your unconscious may send you a dream meant to counteract that.

    • For example, when we are feeling particularly disconnected or discouraged, we often have dreams that show us unconscious figures who are supporting us.
  • Pay attention to the emotions you feel in a dream, as that is one of our most basic languages.

    • For example, the musician dream made the dreamer cry, but it felt like a good cry releasing pent-up frustrations, so it was a dream of support and release rather than a dream of sadness.
  • Dreams often choose extreme or exaggerated imagery in order to evoke as much emotion as possible from us so we will pay attention.

  • The geography or layout of a dream can tell you a lot.

    • For example, the dream with 1 living and 1 dead tree on opposite sides of the yard suggests contrasting choices. The dream of a path hemmed in by walls and trees suggests being forced along a certain course without much choice until the path ends overlooking a vast lake, which feels like new possibilities and new parts of the unconscious.
    • For another example, in my dream I was on a rooftop, symbolizing being up in my head, or maybe being inflated.
  • Cats in dreams can have many different meanings, depending on context and what’s going on in your life. They can represent the feminine side, or the physical/the body, or feminine wisdom (cats were the “familiars” of witches). Wild cats can represent the wild, aggressive aspect of the feminine.

  • Your logical, reasoning, thinking-mind interpretation of a dream may not “click” deep down. Listen to your gut about what resonates and what doesn’t in dream interpretations, because that’s important input from your unconscious.

Important Links:
Tiger King podcast mentioned in the episode

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