Minisode 2. Jung and Dreams: Why Isn’t This Stuff More Popular?

July 6th, 2020 · 16 mins 45 secs

About this Episode

Themes from this episode:
You’ve probably heard me say I interpret dreams from a Jungian perspective. But who was Jung? Why isn’t he more popular? In this minisode I explain some of the reasons why Jung and depth psychology aren’t more mainstream (and why they should be).

Some major points:

  • Jung's way of psychotherapy was intensely personal and individual, which doesn’t fit with our Western medical model of one-size-fits-all medicine, wanting to treat mental issues with medications.
  • He thought that for many patients, the problem behind their "neurosis" was lack of meaning in their lives. That's harder to fix than some imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain (how modern medicine likes to think of anxiety and depression).
  • The people who are drawn to depth psychology tend to be more introverted and intuitive, as well as more comfortable with gray areas. They aren’t the ones who will disseminate it easily and naturally.
  • There are no “3 easy steps” to dream interpretation. There are general themes and techniques and principles, but personalized interpretation takes time and introspection.

Important Links:

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