{"version":"https://jsonfeed.org/version/1","title":"The Stuff of Dreams","home_page_url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm","feed_url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/json","description":"Have you ever woken up from a dream totally sure it's important but without a clue what it means? Learn dream interpretation with me, Amy Lawson, depth psychologist (and pediatrician...but they didn't teach me about dreams in med school) as we examine real dreams from reddit, my guests, and my own unconscious. This is no dry internet tutorial--it’s a lively conversation that aims to convince you of the importance and wisdom of dreams.","_fireside":{"subtitle":"Dream interpretation for regular people.","pubdate":"2020-11-15T15:00:00.000-08:00","explicit":false,"copyright":"2024 by Amy Lawson","owner":"Amy Lawson","image":"https://assets.fireside.fm/file/fireside-images/podcasts/images/0/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/cover.jpg?v=3"},"items":[{"id":"fde55d02-df40-4753-b758-f4070d8f673a","title":"20: Bathroom Dreams: When You Really Need to Go!","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/bathroom-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\n Boyfriend pees in the living room of girlfriend’s parents\nTrying to find a clean bathroom\nToilets clogged with diapers or objects\nKnowing where the safe bathroom is\nDreams of doing pull-ups\nDreams of finding new rooms or spaces in houses\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nBathroom dreams generally symbolize us needing to get rid of symbolic waste, wanting to eliminate embarrassing or worthless parts of us in private so that no one else can see.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Bathroom dreams are a universal experience: We all dream of needing to go but not being able to find a toilet, of having to use a stall with no door, and many other unpleasant and embarrassing scenarios. So why is this theme so common? From dreams of boyfriends peeing on floors to bathrooms with no doors, clogged toilets to dirty bathrooms, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-11-15T15:00:00.000-08:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/fde55d02-df40-4753-b758-f4070d8f673a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":43297690,"duration_in_seconds":2702}]},{"id":"19675a95-d8d6-4c23-a612-af33d96e16e9","title":"19: Dream Wisdom of the Capital-S-Self ","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/dream-wisdom-of-the-self","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nAn engagement ring needs repair, but a new ring appears\nA bright white light offers advice\nI’m unable to find backstage access in a round theater on the 31st floor\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nAccording to Jung, the Self is \"both the center and the circumference of the psyche.\" It’s the deepest center, but also the whole of us, conscious plus unconscious psyche.\n\"Our attitude must be like that of the mountain pine...It does not get annoyed when its growth is obstructed by a stone, nor does it make plans about how to overcome the obstacles. It merely tries to feel whether it should grow more toward the left of the right, toward the slope or away from it. Like the tree, we should give in to this almost imperceptible, yet powerfully dominating impulse—an impulse that comes from the urge toward unique, creative self-realization. And this is a process in which one must repeatedly seek out and find something that is not yet known to anyone. The guiding hints or impulses come, not from the ego, but from the totality of the psyche: the Self.\" –C.G. Jung\nImages of the Self often show up when the ego is feeling depleted, as a form of encouragement and a message that there is an overall plan.\nThe Self can be symbolized in dreams by: \n\n\nCircle or mandala\nSquare or diamond\nThe number 4\nA couple (male + female, king + queen, yin + yang)\nA flower\n\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Depth psychologists often speak of the Self-with-a-capital-S in a tone of reverence. So are we all selfish narcissists who worship ourselves? In this episode, we’ll explore the concept of the deep inner Self, discover some of its wisdom, and see how it appears to us in dreams. From dreams of friends distracted by shoes to diamond rings of gold, wise bright lights to symphony concerts in tall towers, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-10-25T22:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/19675a95-d8d6-4c23-a612-af33d96e16e9.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":28395355,"duration_in_seconds":1770}]},{"id":"e79b1633-e3c6-4254-80a7-393276f9fdc3","title":"18: The Mind-Body Connection—in Life and in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/mind-body-connection","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nBald eagles threatening children whose parents tell them to stop screaming about it\nHouse and world being consumed by a lake of fire\nA child expected to give herself chemotherapy treatments\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nPhysical violence in dreams usually symbolizes damage being done to the psyche.\nLook for places where people’s actions or emotions in dreams are different than what you would expect in real life. The discrepancy points to something important, usually an imbalance or suppression of emotions.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"I believe that our bodies and our psyches are inextricably connected and that communication between them is two-way, rather than the mind simply controlling the body. In this episode I’ll tell you more about how I see the mind-body connection and how that has affected my patients and myself, as well as how it is represented in dreams.","date_published":"2020-10-16T20:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/e79b1633-e3c6-4254-80a7-393276f9fdc3.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":46685998,"duration_in_seconds":2781}]},{"id":"45aa6827-b3d4-4a92-83f1-0fb65dec213f","title":"17: Violence in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/violence-in-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nBloody children outside my house, ready to kill me\nMy father abusing and possibly killing my mother \nMurdering a girl in my backyard\nMeeting and befriending the figure of Death\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nViolent images carry a lot of energy and emotional weight, so the unconscious can use them to get our attention.\nDeath or physical harm in dreams usually symbolizes emotional harm or the death of certain parts of our psyche.\nThe unconscious simply wants balance. It wants us to individuate, to move toward wholeness by integrating as many parts of ourselves into consciousness as possible. So if we become too one-sided in some way (whether it’s too masculine, too flighty and ungrounded, too passive, or some other extreme), our dream images will nudge us in the other direction so that we can move toward balance.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Warning: This week’s theme is violence in dreams, including images of fighting, abuse, and murder. Listener discretion is advised.\r\nBecause the unconscious often likes to be dramatic in order to grab our attention and evoke emotion, it sometimes provides us with violent dreams. These can be quite disturbing when they involve actions we’ve never taken or witnessed in real life. From dreams of killer kids, to domestic abuse, murdering a woman to befriending the figure of Death, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.\r\n","date_published":"2020-10-10T14:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/45aa6827-b3d4-4a92-83f1-0fb65dec213f.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":37704142,"duration_in_seconds":2352}]},{"id":"6e16e1ac-36f2-4077-a2a4-24eefee59578","title":"Minisode 8. Crowdsourcing Interpretations: The Power of Dream Groups","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/dream-groups","content_text":"Although dreams can be intensely personal, they can also be powerful when shared. In this minisode I’ll describe the dream group I attend, as well as some other styles of group dream work, and I’ll tell you about insights I’ve gained from the group that I didn’t see on my own.\n\nImportant Links:\n\nIdeas for safely running a dream group by Montague Ullman\n\nStephen Aizenstat's dreamtending webpage\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

Although dreams can be intensely personal, they can also be powerful when shared. In this minisode I’ll describe the dream group I attend, as well as some other styles of group dream work, and I’ll tell you about insights I’ve gained from the group that I didn’t see on my own.


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","summary":"Although dreams can be intensely personal, they can also be powerful when shared. In this minisode I’ll describe the dream group I attend, as well as some other styles of group dream work, and I’ll tell you about insights I’ve gained from the group that I didn’t see on my own.","date_published":"2020-09-30T19:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/6e16e1ac-36f2-4077-a2a4-24eefee59578.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15276034,"duration_in_seconds":950}]},{"id":"f6929f29-bf5e-42b9-afc9-4142f5119918","title":"16: Cars, Copters, and Crashes: Transportation in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/transportation-in-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nA plane crash, a helicopter crash, and a toy helicopter\nCrashing her boyfriend’s car after the road is blocked by hazmat suits\nMultiple dreams of attempting to get to China\nA blocked tunnel means I have to go deeper, then a woman helps me back out so I can get home\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nModes of transportation in dreams can be important details.\nAirplanes can mean flying high, feeling inflated, or taking a broad bird’s-eye view of what’s going on.\nCars often represent our egos, showing how we usually get around in the world.\nIf a path is blocked for the vehicle you’re in, it probably means you’re feeling stuck in your real life in some way.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"By now, you know that every detail in a dream means something. Today we’ll look at modes of transportation in dreams to see what meanings we can uncover based on how your dream self is getting around. From airplanes and cars crashing to tiny helicopters, unsuccessful flights to China to blocked tunnels on city streets, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-09-25T20:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/f6929f29-bf5e-42b9-afc9-4142f5119918.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":33095724,"duration_in_seconds":2064}]},{"id":"8ea03509-c459-41b4-a344-2160c3a00388","title":"Minisode 7: My Attitude Toward Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/attitude-toward-dreams","content_text":"I hold dreams in high regard and try to treat them ethically, which continues to surprise some people, even those on reddit whose dreams I’m interpreting. In this minisode I’ll tell you more about my attitude toward dreams.\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

I hold dreams in high regard and try to treat them ethically, which continues to surprise some people, even those on reddit whose dreams I’m interpreting. In this minisode I’ll tell you more about my attitude toward dreams.


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","summary":"I hold dreams in high regard and try to treat them ethically, which continues to surprise some people, even those on reddit whose dreams I’m interpreting. In this minisode I’ll tell you more about my attitude toward dreams.","date_published":"2020-09-21T02:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/8ea03509-c459-41b4-a344-2160c3a00388.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14038875,"duration_in_seconds":873}]},{"id":"1e38a751-9af0-4851-8e37-58bd04eab678","title":"15: More Animals in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/more-animals-in-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nRats in the basement and in the shower\nA large white owl wants attention, then attacks\nA huge bird and a knight in a birdcage\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nRats are earthy, instinctual, can squeeze into nooks and crannies where others can't go, and can survive on scraps and things that others can't eat. They often represent that instinctual, survivor part of your psyche.\nWhite owls can represent spiritual wisdom and intelligence, and because they are nighttime creatures, they are more closely related to the unconscious. They are also predators, so can represent a part of you with wisdom and fierce energy.\nWhen you work with a dream over time, you may see it start to change. For example, in Stephanie's dream, eventually the birdcage disappeared, the bird came back to life, and the cave became a tunnel showing the way out.\n\n\nStephanie's website:\nhttps://stephaniezphd.com\n\nMythology conference website:\nhttps://myth2021.com\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Animals frequently show up in our dreams, and they usually represent pieces of ourselves that have qualities similar to the specific animal in some way. Because of that, the huge range of animals gives our unconscious plenty of symbols to choose from. So how do you decide what your dream’s choice of animal is trying to tell you? From dreams of rats in a basement to rats in the shower, staring white owls to huge hawks in birdcages, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-09-17T16:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/1e38a751-9af0-4851-8e37-58bd04eab678.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":57866493,"duration_in_seconds":3612}]},{"id":"327e7773-6373-43e5-a4b7-5834fde4f2d1","title":"Minisode 6: Fire in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/fire-in-dreams","content_text":"Fire, air, earth, and water: the four elements that make up the universe, according to the ancients. Fire is profoundly archetypal, speaking to us from deep, ancient layers of the psyche. In this minisode I’ll tell you about several different meanings for the symbols of fire and smoke.\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

Fire, air, earth, and water: the four elements that make up the universe, according to the ancients. Fire is profoundly archetypal, speaking to us from deep, ancient layers of the psyche. In this minisode I’ll tell you about several different meanings for the symbols of fire and smoke.


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","summary":"Fire, air, earth, and water: the four elements that make up the universe, according to the ancients. Fire is profoundly archetypal, speaking to us from deep, ancient layers of the psyche. In this minisode I’ll tell you about several different meanings for the symbols of fire and smoke.","date_published":"2020-09-03T17:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/327e7773-6373-43e5-a4b7-5834fde4f2d1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":14732687,"duration_in_seconds":916}]},{"id":"0d3ec226-7797-42d3-9877-b24bc45d762b","title":"14: Male and Female Dream Characters Often Describe Inner Conflict","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/masculine-feminine-2","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nFinding dead deer parts while urbexing\nGreen dye in the ocean reveals sandy caves and a snake\nFire and water gods shape people into a crystal wishbone\nA car and bus journey in drag\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nThe unconscious uses masculine and feminine characters and imagery to communicate with us about different parts of our personality.\nEveryone, regardless of gender, has masculine and feminine aspects of their psyche that they can use at different times when needed.\nThe unconscious constantly uses the masculine/feminine dichotomy to symbolize opposite forces inside us, because it’s such a well-known pair of opposites that we see in external relationships where people balance and complete each other.\nFeminine/yin/lunar characteristics:\n\n\nFeeling, sensing\nAppreciating beauty\nConnection and relatedness\nSoul, imagination, interiority\nSlower pace, time for reflection, being (rather than doing)\n\nMasculine/yang/solar characteristics:\n\n\nThinking and organizing, order and reason\nAction and doing\nAnalyzing\nDifferentiating, classifying, making boundaries\nCompeting\nAggression and power\n\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Because we all have some feminine and some masculine parts of our psyches, of our personalities, our dreams often use male and female characters or images to describe our inner dynamics and whether these parts of our psyche are working together or working against each other. From dreams of dead deer to snakes in the sand, crystal wishbones to bus journeys, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-08-16T13:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/0d3ec226-7797-42d3-9877-b24bc45d762b.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":54479352,"duration_in_seconds":3400}]},{"id":"f39300da-f9cd-4cda-a5ed-e2cc34104b0a","title":"Minisode 5: Synchronicity—Meaningful Coincidences Shaping our Lives","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/synchronicity","content_text":"Carl Jung used the word “synchronicity” to describe meaningful coincidences, events that are connected by meaning but not by cause-and-effect. In this minisode, I’ll use events from my life to show how synchronicities and archetypes have shaped my path, so that you can begin to look for where synchronicity is active in your life.\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

Carl Jung used the word “synchronicity” to describe meaningful coincidences, events that are connected by meaning but not by cause-and-effect. In this minisode, I’ll use events from my life to show how synchronicities and archetypes have shaped my path, so that you can begin to look for where synchronicity is active in your life.


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","summary":"Carl Jung used the word “synchronicity” to describe meaningful coincidences, events that are connected by meaning but not by cause-and-effect. In this minisode, I’ll use events from my life to show how synchronicities and archetypes have shaped my path, so that you can begin to look for where synchronicity is active in your life.","date_published":"2020-08-10T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/f39300da-f9cd-4cda-a5ed-e2cc34104b0a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":21648658,"duration_in_seconds":1348}]},{"id":"eefca16f-79c2-4079-8a8b-7d08f0f83a35","title":"Sleepcast 5: Psyche and Eros part 5 of 5","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/psyche-eros--5","content_text":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.
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","summary":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.","date_published":"2020-08-07T12:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/eefca16f-79c2-4079-8a8b-7d08f0f83a35.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":17364994,"duration_in_seconds":1081}]},{"id":"597ccb57-d7ae-491e-843b-3d32f1d72ef5","title":"Sleepcast 4: Psyche and Eros part 4 of 5","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/psyche-eros-4","content_text":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.
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","summary":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.","date_published":"2020-08-03T20:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/597ccb57-d7ae-491e-843b-3d32f1d72ef5.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":18795668,"duration_in_seconds":1170}]},{"id":"3ca48017-6034-439f-b7cd-149f83967f2c","title":"Sleepcast 3: Psyche and Eros part 3 of 5","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/psyche-eros-3","content_text":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.
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","summary":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.","date_published":"2020-07-31T17:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/3ca48017-6034-439f-b7cd-149f83967f2c.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19590209,"duration_in_seconds":1220}]},{"id":"6447f7a4-9177-4156-b439-4c352b0467c2","title":"Sleepcast 2: Psyche and Eros part 2 of 5","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/psyche-eros-2","content_text":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.
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","summary":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.","date_published":"2020-07-29T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/6447f7a4-9177-4156-b439-4c352b0467c2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19590209,"duration_in_seconds":1220}]},{"id":"5b38ab61-7750-4c1d-9366-d215f77e4693","title":"Sleepcast 1: Psyche and Eros part 1 of 5","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/psyche-eros-1","content_text":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.
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","summary":"The mythical story of Psyche and Eros, read as a bedtime story for grownups.","date_published":"2020-07-27T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/5b38ab61-7750-4c1d-9366-d215f77e4693.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":19304325,"duration_in_seconds":1202}]},{"id":"52cbf328-f74b-45b9-aaf2-328319583109","title":"13: Dreams are Freeze-Frames of Your Mind Right Now","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/right-now","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nRemoving staples from mouth and feet\nDreams of huge waves\nDeath of the good guy in a flooded car\nRejecting my invitation to a dream interpretation cult\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nDreams often give you a snapshot of what’s going on for you, internally, right now. They describe your inner dynamics—which parts of you are getting along, which parts are in conflict, which areas are feeling strong or weak, etc. \nWave dreams usually symbolize an upsurge of unconscious contents, of “stuff” that you need to do some inner work around.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Dreams may not be able to change our reality, but they can change our perspective on that reality. They offer us a freeze-frame of what’s happening in our psyche right now. Sometimes dreams can show us the purpose of a current difficulty, adding meaning to our suffering or even allowing us to see a way through that suffering to the other side. From dreams of staples in mouths to gigantic waves, flooded cars to a dream cult convention, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-07-24T06:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/52cbf328-f74b-45b9-aaf2-328319583109.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":34573628,"duration_in_seconds":2156}]},{"id":"00439602-0ba9-45c0-82ed-fa499012bdea","title":"Minisode 4. The Wizard of Oz: Interpreting Movies Like We Interpret Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/wizard-of-oz-movie-as-a-dream","content_text":"Themes from this episode:\nJust like dreams, movies speak in images and symbols. So it’s possible to add layers of meaning to a film by interpreting it just like you would a dream, which is something we do commonly in depth psychology. In this minisode, I’ll show you how to see a movie as a dream, using The Wizard of Oz as an example.\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

Themes from this episode:
\nJust like dreams, movies speak in images and symbols. So it’s possible to add layers of meaning to a film by interpreting it just like you would a dream, which is something we do commonly in depth psychology. In this minisode, I’ll show you how to see a movie as a dream, using The Wizard of Oz as an example.


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","summary":"Just like dreams, movies speak in images and symbols. So it’s possible to add layers of meaning to a film by interpreting it just like you would a dream, which is something we do commonly in depth psychology. In this minisode, I’ll show you how to see a movie as a dream, using The Wizard of Oz as an example.","date_published":"2020-07-20T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/00439602-0ba9-45c0-82ed-fa499012bdea.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":15178650,"duration_in_seconds":944}]},{"id":"3f422ed5-51e0-4d4c-8af4-a08aa6044107","title":"12: Dreams Can Change Your Perspective (and Your Life)","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/dreams-can-change-your-perspective","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nUnable to get through a keyhole window to explore the lighthouse\n4 leaves sprout from a finger wound\nSaving yourself, leaving others to drown, in order to gain a spiritual reward\nDelivering a baby, keeping it healthy, and talking to a disapproving boss\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nThe unconscious often sends us dreams in order to change our perspective somehow. These shifts in perspective can transform our lives as we allow the dreams to work on us and through us.\nLighthouses can represent places at the border of conscious and unconscious (land and sea) where we can gain perspective and do inner work.\nPlants sprouting from wounds represent times of fertility and growth.\nSometimes we must stop saving others in order to save ourselves.\nSymbols of the Self in dreams include wise old men, divine children, circles, diamonds, cubes, or crystals.\nGiving birth in a dream likely represents birth of a new project, direction, or part of yourself. \n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"The unconscious often sends us dreams in order to change our perspective somehow. These shifts in perspective can transform our lives as we allow the dreams to work on us and through us.\r\nFrom dreams of lighthouses to plants sprouting from hands, rescuing the drowning to giving birth, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-07-17T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/3f422ed5-51e0-4d4c-8af4-a08aa6044107.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32840769,"duration_in_seconds":2048}]},{"id":"ce1f427a-4dd2-41dd-aa15-6214c4a27d92","title":"Minisode 3: Therapeutic Dreams. The Story of Asclepius, Greek God of Healing, and his Dream Cures","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/therapeutic-dreams-asclepius","content_text":"Themes from this episode:\nWhen I discovered the connection between ancient Greek physicians and dreams, it tied together the 2 major parts of my life—medicine and depth psychology—in a new way. I didn’t learn about this in medical school! In this minisode I’m going to tell you the story of Asclepius, Greek god of healing, and how patients were healed in his name through dreams.\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

Themes from this episode:
\nWhen I discovered the connection between ancient Greek physicians and dreams, it tied together the 2 major parts of my life—medicine and depth psychology—in a new way. I didn’t learn about this in medical school! In this minisode I’m going to tell you the story of Asclepius, Greek god of healing, and how patients were healed in his name through dreams.


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","summary":"When I discovered the connection between ancient Greek physicians and dreams, it tied together the 2 major parts of my life—medicine and depth psychology—in a new way. I didn’t learn about this in medical school! In this minisode I’m going to tell you the story of Asclepius, Greek god of healing, and how patients were healed in his name through dreams.","date_published":"2020-07-13T21:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/ce1f427a-4dd2-41dd-aa15-6214c4a27d92.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13217167,"duration_in_seconds":821}]},{"id":"0efe4d28-677e-4516-b083-adbea63c2a34","title":"11: Let’s Talk About Sex…In Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/lets-talk-about-sex-in-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nSex with obese women\nSame-gender sex\nDreams of rape and violence\nA dream of a vibrator leaking fluid that causes a fish to change\nA dream of sex to celebrate the reboot of the world**\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nAncient fertility goddess statues were often in the shape of women with large breasts and hips, so sex with obese women could symbolize a particularly fertile time in your life.\nIn dreams, rape can be about control or domination. It can also be a symbol that you are injuring the feminine aspects of yourself somehow. \nSex in dreams can symbolize many things:\n\n\nRomantic connection\nBalance between masculine and feminine parts of yourself\nPower dynamics\nRitual or celebratory times\nFertility\n\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Warning: This week’s episode contains images of a graphic nature, including sex, rape, and sex toys. Listener discretion is advised if that’s not your thing.\r\n\r\nWhy do we dream about sex? Is it just wish-fulfillment of our current desires? Does it mean we secretly have a crush on someone? How horrified should you be if you rape someone in a dream? This week’s episode illustrates how sex in dreams is rarely to be taken literally. From dreams of sex with obese women to rape, a leaking vibrator to sex with someone new, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-07-10T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/0efe4d28-677e-4516-b083-adbea63c2a34.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":42007032,"duration_in_seconds":2621}]},{"id":"7a57cd45-cbee-4deb-8800-66ceb4b919d8","title":"Minisode 2. Jung and Dreams: Why Isn’t This Stuff More Popular?","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/jung-and-dreams","content_text":"Themes from this episode:\nYou’ve probably heard me say I interpret dreams from a Jungian perspective. But who was Jung? Why isn’t he more popular? In this minisode I explain some of the reasons why Jung and depth psychology aren’t more mainstream (and why they should be).\n\nSome major points:\n\n\nJung's way of psychotherapy was intensely personal and individual, which doesn’t fit with our Western medical model of one-size-fits-all medicine, wanting to treat mental issues with medications.\nHe thought that for many patients, the problem behind their \"neurosis\" was lack of meaning in their lives. That's harder to fix than some imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain (how modern medicine likes to think of anxiety and depression). \nThe people who are drawn to depth psychology tend to be more introverted and intuitive, as well as more comfortable with gray areas. They aren’t the ones who will disseminate it easily and naturally.\nThere are no “3 easy steps” to dream interpretation. There are general themes and techniques and principles, but personalized interpretation takes time and introspection.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

Themes from this episode:
\nYou’ve probably heard me say I interpret dreams from a Jungian perspective. But who was Jung? Why isn’t he more popular? In this minisode I explain some of the reasons why Jung and depth psychology aren’t more mainstream (and why they should be).


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","summary":"You’ve probably heard me say I interpret dreams from a Jungian perspective. But who was Jung? Why isn’t he more popular? In this minisode I’ll talk to you about why Jung and depth psychology aren’t more mainstream. Besides, we all want to feel a little bit like nonconformists sometimes, don’t we?","date_published":"2020-07-06T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/7a57cd45-cbee-4deb-8800-66ceb4b919d8.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":16149569,"duration_in_seconds":1005}]},{"id":"2d03ca48-bded-4dd7-b0e7-367c03743d1a","title":"10: Anima Figures—Important Women in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/anima-figures","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nEntering a house in a wealthy neighborhood to find a community of supportive women\nLeaving an ex in a treehouse to connect with a girl writing an essay in the grass\nA progression of 6 anima dreams from the same dreamer over time\nCasting spells with an older woman, then breaking into a mansion with a man to find women chained in the basement**\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nAnima figures are generally female figures in dreams who help us to explore more unconscious material and lead us more deeply into ourselves toward inner work and soul.\nShowering in a dream can symbolize becoming clean, purification, or connecting with the unconscious.\nTreehouses in dreams can mean we are too “up in our heads,” not grounded enough, or that we are trying to build structures in an unnatural place.\nThe progression of anima figures in dreams over time can show what kind of progress we are making with our inner work. For example, in the series of 6 dreams, this dreamer’s anima figures go from girls whose faces he can’t see, to females who are unkind or rejecting, to supportive friends to cry on, to women he is able to have a more equal connection with.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Anima figures are important female characters in dreams who appear at significant times in our lives. Often supportive but sometimes negative, they always lead us deeper into interiority and soul somehow. From dreams of generous women to ex-girlfriends in treehouses, pretty blonde rescuers to wise women working spells, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.\r\n","date_published":"2020-07-03T14:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/2d03ca48-bded-4dd7-b0e7-367c03743d1a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52066473,"duration_in_seconds":3250}]},{"id":"2f1d44ad-cf27-43fb-8a7d-c1bdd0bc2ebc","title":"Minisode 1: Houses and Rooms in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/houses-and-rooms-in-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\nThrowing basketballs out the front door and seeing them pop\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nHouses often symbolize our entire psyche, with the separate rooms as different aspects of our minds or personalities.\nMeanings to consider for the rooms in your dreams:\n\n\nFront door/yard: entrance, visible to the public, areas that are easier to see\nLiving room: places where we spend a lot of time, where we greet people and have conversations and interactions, also a more public-facing area of the house\nKitchen: a place for cooking, chemical reactions, alchemy (could mean personal changes, growth, transformation), also places for eating, sharing a meal, conversation, gatherings of friends\nBedroom: a private place, the most personal area of your house (and your psyche), also a place for romantic connections, sex, and relationships\nBathroom: a place to get clean, to purify yourself, to make yourself presentable to the world; also a place for elimination of the “crap” in your life\nGuest bedroom: a place for potential connection with visitors, a place to try on other less-known aspects of your personality in dreams\nStudy/library: a place for work, for knowledge and wisdom, for heritage and tradition\n\nFinding new rooms in a dream signifies finding new parts of your psyche to explore, new aspects of your personality, new potentials or skills or hobbies, areas for growth\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

Dreams from this episode:
\nThrowing basketballs out the front door and seeing them pop


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","summary":"Sometimes the setting of a dream gives you as much information as the dream’s events do. Houses and rooms can give you additional clues about what your unconscious is trying to tell you. In this short episode I’ll teach you how to understand the houses and rooms in your dreams. ","date_published":"2020-06-29T01:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/2f1d44ad-cf27-43fb-8a7d-c1bdd0bc2ebc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":13719136,"duration_in_seconds":853}]},{"id":"d8e8fbdd-6926-4363-a7b9-6b5ae34f7050","title":"Bonus: Tiger King . . . and Carl Jung?","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/tiger-king-and-carl-jung","content_text":"\nWhat unconscious motivation could these people possibly have in their desire to dominate big cats? \nWhy is Joe Exotic so convinced that Carol’s second husband Is buried under a septic tank, of all places? \nHow is Carol Baskin’s relationship to cats tied to her taking control of her own destiny?\nAnd how is that related to the strange photo of her husband on a leash…on their wedding day? \n\n\nDepth or archetypal psychology, a philosophy propagated largely by C.G. Jung in the early 20th century, accepts the reality of the unconscious and studies its effects on our conscious activities and attitudes. Today, we talk with Dr. Amy Lawson, MD, pediatrician, and soon-to-be PhD in Jungian and Archetypal Studies. She schools us on how to look more deeply into anything we watch on TV, read in a book, or witness in everyday life. \n\nOriginally posted to Look, Just Tell Me What To Do , a podcast by Benjamin Russack, LMFT.Special Guest: Ben Russack.","content_html":"\n\n

Depth or archetypal psychology, a philosophy propagated largely by C.G. Jung in the early 20th century, accepts the reality of the unconscious and studies its effects on our conscious activities and attitudes. Today, we talk with Dr. Amy Lawson, MD, pediatrician, and soon-to-be PhD in Jungian and Archetypal Studies. She schools us on how to look more deeply into anything we watch on TV, read in a book, or witness in everyday life.


Originally posted to Look, Just Tell Me What To Do , a podcast by Benjamin Russack, LMFT.

Special Guest: Ben Russack.

","summary":"What unconscious motivation could these people possibly have in their desire to dominate big cats? Why is Joe Exotic so convinced that Carol’s second husband Is buried under a septic tank, of all places? How is Carol Baskin’s relationship to cats tied to her taking control of her own destiny? And how is that related to the strange photo of her husband on a leash…on their wedding day? \r\n\r\nDepth or archetypal psychology, a philosophy propagated largely by C.G. Jung in the early 20th century, accepts the reality of the unconscious and studies its effects on our conscious activities and attitudes. Today, we talk with Dr. Amy Lawson, MD, pediatrician, and soon-to-be PhD in Jungian and Archetypal Studies. She schools us on how to look more deeply into anything we watch on TV, read in a book, or witness in everyday life. ","date_published":"2020-06-26T18:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/d8e8fbdd-6926-4363-a7b9-6b5ae34f7050.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":41626271,"duration_in_seconds":2597}]},{"id":"4a428142-5e09-46da-b57d-7a7bda9b14d2","title":"Bonus: How Depth Psychology Changed Me as a Doctor","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/how-depth-psychology-changed-me-as-a-doctor","content_text":"Originally posted to Look, Just Tell Me What To Do , a podcast by Benjamin Russack, LMFT.Special Guest: Ben Russack.","content_html":"

Originally posted to Look, Just Tell Me What To Do , a podcast by Benjamin Russack, LMFT.

Special Guest: Ben Russack.

","summary":"Amy Lawson, MD, and Benjamin Russack, LMFT, (her former therapist and current friend) discuss her journey through depth psychology and how it has affected her life and career as a physician.","date_published":"2020-06-26T17:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/4a428142-5e09-46da-b57d-7a7bda9b14d2.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":54037987,"duration_in_seconds":3373}]},{"id":"a426b572-c43e-45f7-ab36-64e4e001c541","title":"9: Dreams of the Mother: Spiders, Cats, and Real Moms","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/dreams-of-the-mother","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nA black widow spider and her babies in the window\nDigging up a black cat’s grave to find his eyes are changed and he won’t enter the house\nA dusty black kitten with a big wound\nMom is moving into her mother’s house and it feels too small to me\nMy mother in the backseat of my car with words of appreciation\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nSpiders can symbolize the negative feminine or the devouring mother, negative female energy. They can also be symbols of weaving, as in weaving your own life, or symbols of the Self.\nCats can symbolize the feminine or the body, so if you dream of cats, examine those parts of your life and your personality right now.\nWounded cats can mean wounding of the feminine or of the actual physical body. When the cat doesn’t seem to notice or feel the wound, that likely means the wound has been repressed in your life.\nDreaming of childhood places or of older family members such as grandmothers often means that the dream is speaking about the past or about an issue that originated in childhood.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"As our very first relationship, our connection to mother is quite formative for our psyche and generates a lot of unconscious material that our dreams can pull from. In this episode we will look at how mothers can be symbolized in dreams and what those dreams are telling us about our lives. \r\nFrom dreams of spiders to dead cats, wounded kittens to mothers in cars, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-06-25T19:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/a426b572-c43e-45f7-ab36-64e4e001c541.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":31732341,"duration_in_seconds":1979}]},{"id":"706f89c3-cd67-4cb4-a5ab-bf4117e7af53","title":"8: Who are You Becoming? Dreams of Transformation","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/dreams-of-transformation","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nA dream of a rainbow vortex\nA black cat, a living room house, and a space heater beside an open window\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nOur inner Self knows us better than we consciously know ourselves, so it can tell us about our potential or need for transformation.\nAttitudes in dreams are important. For example, the dreamer was willing to sit down at a picnic table with strangers, which means she is open to getting to know new parts of herself.\nCats often represent the feminine and/or the body. All cats, but especially black cats, carry the connotation of witch, of ancient feminine wisdom that can be used in positive or negative ways.\nPay attention to the strangest details in your dream. For example, in dream #2 the house was only a living room. The absence of bedroom and bathroom means there are few private areas in the house; the dreamer’s psyche has been oriented toward public spaces and public opinion. \nRepresentations of energy can be important. The fact that the space heater was next to an open window signified energy loss, needing to generate far more energy just to heat the house, metaphorically speaking.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Dreams often tell us about our current internal state, but they also show us the possibilities for where we are going. So who are you becoming, according to your dreams? Your unconscious knows you better than you consciously know yourself. From dreams of rainbows to vortexes, black cats to empty beer cans, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-06-18T20:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/706f89c3-cd67-4cb4-a5ab-bf4117e7af53.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":52055606,"duration_in_seconds":3249}]},{"id":"91107def-ac79-44f9-a522-5aeeb082374a","title":"7: In Dreams, Small Details have Big Impacts","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/small-details","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nA dream of being shot by a gunman in the town square\nA strangely disturbing dream of a metal ball rolling on a beige carpet\nA piano competition where I’m unprepared and haven’t “brought my notes”\nA child’s dream of a coyote that turns out to be a goat\nA child’s dream of bonding with her favorite YouTuber\nA child’s dream of a witch turning children into frogs\nA child’s dream of her family being shot, then saved\nA child’s dream of sleeping in a different location\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nEven the smallest details in dreams can have significant meanings. If a detail sticks out for you, cast your mind around for possible associations. Google search for ideas and follow the energy. Think about similar images from your everyday life. Any of these may give you a clue to the detail’s meaning.\nIf a dream’s emotion seems out of proportion or doesn’t seem to match the circumstances, like the metal ball on beige carpet dream, pay special attention to that. For example, under what circumstances might a child find the unbridled freedom of a rolling ball to be scary? Answer: when he isn’t feeling like he has enough structure or protection in his life.\nWhen you remember specific words or phrases from a dream, they are probably important. Ad remember, dreams can speak in puns and jokes, too. For example, in my “bring your notes” dream, “notes” had 2 meanings: written notes on paper, and musical notes.\nChildren’s dreams can give you information about their situations. For example, if children take it for granted in their dreams that parents will always be there to rescue them, that shows a stable environment where they feel protected.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"It’s tempting to dismiss strange details in dreams as mere chaos, or the mind playing, or something left over from the day’s experiences. But if you can find the right connection, even the smallest details can contain powerful messages. From dreams of gunshots to marbles, music competitions to coyotes, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-06-11T20:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/91107def-ac79-44f9-a522-5aeeb082374a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":53912181,"duration_in_seconds":3365}]},{"id":"f57904a0-4abd-4677-9d0d-7ed02a77e1ca","title":"6: Animals in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/animal-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nTransforming into a black crane and flying\nA thief steals and ransacks and must be killed, with interludes of a beluga whale\nCaring for 2 snakes at school\nShaking a snake off my hand, then discovering I’m lying on lizards\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nWhen you’re trying to determine what an animal means in a dream, think about the animal’s main qualities. What part of you might that represent? What are those details telling you about your situation right now?\nCranes live near wetlands (water=unconscious). They fly with necks outstretched (symbol of courage and openness). They can represent goddesses, omens, longevity, or good fortune, among many other things.\nIf a dream repeats itself, pay attention to any changing details. Those likely mark areas of progress or transformation. For example, in the series of thief dreams, first the bodyguard killed the thief, then the dreamer’s boyfriend, and finally the dreamer herself was able to kill him and protect herself.\nBeluga whales can be symbols of support, intelligence, or communication, as well as figures that can move between conscious and unconscious (air and water).\nSnakes can be symbols of transformation (shedding their skin), healing, or instinct.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Animals are a rich source of symbols for the unconscious to use in communicating with us, since they have so many different qualities and characteristics that can be used to represent parts of ourselves. So how can we decipher why a dream chose a particular animal for us? From dreams of flying black cranes to beluga whales and lots of snakes, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-06-05T09:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/f57904a0-4abd-4677-9d0d-7ed02a77e1ca.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":54845484,"duration_in_seconds":3423}]},{"id":"ba3dffd9-d262-47c3-95c9-12d526ea88c1","title":"5: Recurring Dreams: Why is my Unconscious Stuck on Repeat?","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/recurring-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nDreams set back in high school, one of overwhelm, one of choosing a path to spirituality and learning\nChildhood dreams of three selves in the attic of a log cabin\nDreams of a black horned creature that is first threatening, then becomes a friend\nDreams of killing a neighbor\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nRecurring dreams are important:\n\n\nThey are sending repeated messages in the hopes that we will pay attention\nIf we do finally start listening to the dreams, they often begin to change, moving on to new topics\nWatching how dreams change over time can give us clues about how our psyche is changing or growing\n\nPeople frequently dream of being back in high school, I think because it was a very formative time in our lives--a time of growing independence, developing more real relationships with other people, and having many new experiences. Because of all that, it provides the unconscious with many options for people and symbols to draw from to describe our inner dynamics to ourselves.\nIf you dream of a specific person from high school, consider what they meant to you, what were their most important qualities. They are probably symbolizing a part of yourself.\nBecause our unconscious exists from birth, along with the archetypes within it, even children’s dreams can be interpreted in a symbolic way.\nThe setting is important in the log cabin dream. The cabin is set in the woods, so it feels remote, disconnected, lonely. The dreamer is located in the attic, representing the head, the brain, the conscious self, and there are 3 of her, 2 of which are keeping guard at the window and the stairs. She feels like she needs to be on her guard all the time, but she has the inner resources to do this.\nNightmare figures aren’t meant to only be frightening. They also give information about what is scary to us and how we might be able to change that. For example, in the dream of the black horned creature, when the dreamer accepts it and allows it to play, it becomes a friend. So accepting its aggression as a useful attribute, rather than something threatening, takes away the nightmare energy. Likely the dreamer needs more aggression and boundary-setting in her life.\nIf a dream figure seems dark or unpleasant or negative in some way, it might represent our shadow. The shadow is made up of unused parts of our personality, qualities that the ego has either failed to assimilate or has repressed. Sometimes these aspects of us seem embarrassing or primitive, but they can also be positive strengths that the ego doesn’t want to claim because it would mean too much responsibility or too much of a change to our self-image.\n“If we have the courage to look with open minds at some of the instincts and energy systems within that we have been so ashamed of, we almost always find that they can also be positive strengths—and that they are merely normal parts of a total human character. As with all our inner contents, they need to be acknowledged, honored, and lived on an appropriate and constructive level. It takes courage to go to the “bad” side of ourselves, to acknowledge it as part of ourselves, to consider that it could have a constructive role to play in our lives.” Robert Johnson, Inner Work\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Why does the unconscious sometimes get stuck on repeat, sending us recurring images or recurring situations? Recurring dreams are some of the most interesting to consider, since they come to us over and over again, making themselves feel even more important. They give us even more clues when they change over time. From dreams of being back in high school to children in the attic, black horned creatures to killing a neighbor, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-05-29T15:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/ba3dffd9-d262-47c3-95c9-12d526ea88c1.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":32685706,"duration_in_seconds":2038}]},{"id":"20f76a6d-b755-4c09-96ab-d16dd8a4bf1a","title":"4: Masculine and Feminine Imagery in Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/masculine-and-feminine-imagery-in-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nA pair of swords can bring protection, but one is stolen\nA menacing deer by the river\nStealing back our gold and setting a fire to destroy pursuers\nOffering jewelry to a child\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nThe unconscious uses masculine and feminine characters and imagery to communicate with us about different parts of our personality.\nEveryone, regardless of gender, has masculine and feminine aspects of their psyche that they can use at different times when needed.\nThe unconscious constantly uses the masculine/feminine dichotomy to symbolize opposite forces inside us, because it’s such a well-known pair of opposites that we see in external relationships where people balance and complete each other.\nFeminine/yin/lunar characteristics:\n\n\nFeeling, sensing\nAppreciating beauty\nConnection and relatedness\nSoul, imagination, interiority\nSlower pace, time for reflection, being (rather than doing)\n\nMasculine/yang/solar characteristics:\n\n\nThinking and organizing, order and reason\nAction and doing\nAnalyzing\nDifferentiating, classifying, making boundaries\nCompeting\nAggression and power\n\nWhen a dream detail seems particularly strange or unexpected (like a deer in the forest seeming menacing, or expensive family heirloom jewelry that turns out to be superglued together), it is often a really important part of the dream to examine for hidden meanings, since the unconscious has gone out of its way to offer an image that seems wrong somehow in order to draw your attention to it.\nGold in dreams can symbolize:\n\n\nInner treasure or resources\nThe Self, the deeper wholeness in your psyche\nPerfection or wholeness\n\nElephants in dreams can symbolize the maternal, matriarchy, or feminine wisdom.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Dreams often use images of opposites, and one of the most basic pairs of opposites is masculine and feminine. In this episode we will look at how male and female imagery adds meaning to the messages from our unconscious. From dreams of protective swords to menacing deer, elephant jewelry to stealing gold, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.\r\n","date_published":"2020-05-22T16:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/20f76a6d-b755-4c09-96ab-d16dd8a4bf1a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":45575149,"duration_in_seconds":2844}]},{"id":"9ccf9fab-5104-47a7-8eed-1851c7209afc","title":"101 (START HERE): A Doorway into Dreams","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/doorway-into-dreams","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nA gold-handled wooden door in an apartment complex\nA bodyboarder keeps forgetting his equipment and can’t get into the ocean\nCoughing up nails and staples without being hurt \nDriving to the wrong hospital, in danger on a narrow exit ramp, and a high school friend who talks about the personalized gifts I give\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nThe location of the dream is important, since neighborhoods or buildings often represent our psyche. Fences can symbolize barriers. Rooms or separate buildings can represent different parts of our conscious or unconscious mind.\nOne powerful way to look at dreams is to see each character as a different part of yourself (rather than as real-world people or external events).\nNumbers have meaning in dreams. Three is often a number of transformation.\nWater often symbolizes the unconscious. The beach is at the border between land (conscious) and sea (unconscious).\nDreams often speak in strong, exaggerated imagery to really capture our attention and make an impact.\nWe can’t judge dreams by the logical rules of everyday life. Even if a dream image (like coughing up nails and staples) seems like it “should” be a terrible thing to our conscious mind, we have to pay attention to context and emotion. We may find the dream is positive after all.\nIf you go to bed thinking about a question, your unconscious may send you a dream in answer.\nCars or other vehicles in dreams often represent the conscious ego, the part of us that generally transports us and helps us move around and take action.\nOne of the most important questions you can ask yourself about a dream is, “Where in my life is this (figuratively) happening right now?”\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right corner","content_html":"

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","summary":"Have you ever woken up from a dream with really strong emotions, totally sure that it’s important but not knowing why, or what it means? In this episode, we will look at 4 real-life dreams in order to learn dream interpretation by actually doing it. From dreams of doorways to oceans, coughing up nails to driving to the wrong hospital, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-05-13T13:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/9ccf9fab-5104-47a7-8eed-1851c7209afc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29179028,"duration_in_seconds":1819}]},{"id":"1acdb0a3-58c4-458e-875a-01fa5ed8a9bc","title":"3: Strong Emotions are Your Dreams Yelling, “Pay Attention!”","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/strong-emotions-are-your-dreams-yelling-pay-attention","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nA dream of supportive musicians that makes the dreamer cry\nA dream of 2 trees: a juniper with hundreds of songbirds and a dead cottonwood with a raven\nA dream of a path between a brick wall and a wall of trees, ending on a cliff overlooking a lake\nA dream of eating a black kitten on a rooftop at night\nA dream of a frozen castle floating above an ocean of molten lava\nA dream of a shining, pulsing light above a flat rocky expanse\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\n\nOne important question to ask yourself about a dream is, “What conscious attitude is this dream compensating or balancing?” If your conscious self is becoming too one-sided in some way, your unconscious may send you a dream meant to counteract that. \n\n\nFor example, when we are feeling particularly disconnected or discouraged, we often have dreams that show us unconscious figures who are supporting us.\n\nPay attention to the emotions you feel in a dream, as that is one of our most basic languages. \n\n\nFor example, the musician dream made the dreamer cry, but it felt like a good cry releasing pent-up frustrations, so it was a dream of support and release rather than a dream of sadness.\n\nDreams often choose extreme or exaggerated imagery in order to evoke as much emotion as possible from us so we will pay attention.\nThe geography or layout of a dream can tell you a lot.\n\n\nFor example, the dream with 1 living and 1 dead tree on opposite sides of the yard suggests contrasting choices. The dream of a path hemmed in by walls and trees suggests being forced along a certain course without much choice until the path ends overlooking a vast lake, which feels like new possibilities and new parts of the unconscious.\nFor another example, in my dream I was on a rooftop, symbolizing being up in my head, or maybe being inflated.\n\nCats in dreams can have many different meanings, depending on context and what’s going on in your life. They can represent the feminine side, or the physical/the body, or feminine wisdom (cats were the “familiars” of witches). Wild cats can represent the wild, aggressive aspect of the feminine.\nYour logical, reasoning, thinking-mind interpretation of a dream may not “click” deep down. Listen to your gut about what resonates and what doesn’t in dream interpretations, because that’s important input from your unconscious.\n\n\nImportant Links:\nTiger King podcast mentioned in the episode\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right cornerSpecial Guest: Ben Russack.","content_html":"

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Special Guest: Ben Russack.

","summary":"Dreams speak in the language of symbols, but they also speak through evoking emotions, and that’s one of the ways they convince us of their importance, even if we aren’t sure exactly what they mean. In this episode we’ll look at 4 dreams with important emotional components in order to learn dream interpretation by actually doing it. From dreams of musicians to birds in trees, munching on kittens to ice castles in the sky, I’ll show you how to make sense of the language of dreams.","date_published":"2020-05-13T12:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/1acdb0a3-58c4-458e-875a-01fa5ed8a9bc.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":29808475,"duration_in_seconds":1858}]},{"id":"fe2c70cd-9d42-4b98-af88-5923a6ec6a4a","title":"2: Dreams in the Time of Covid","url":"https://stuffofdreams.fireside.fm/dreams-in-the-time-of-covid","content_text":"Dreams from this episode:\n\n\nAnimated, surreal dream of a pigeon, a truck, a pelican/swan singing, “I like milkshakes and diabetes!”\nA dream of a husband in therapy and an emotional fight, and then he carves words into his chest and hugs his therapist instead of his wife\n\n\nThemes from this episode:\n\nThe pandemic seems to be causing:\n\n\nMore dreams (everyone is home and has more time to pay attention)\nMore anxiety dreams\nMore dreams about family dynamics\nMore positive dreams about transformation\nWhy would there be more feel-good dreams of transformation right now? Jung said dreams were compensatory, since the psyche is a self-regulating system that just wants balance. So if we are feeling particularly stuck or stagnant or depressed in quarantine, the unconscious sends us messages about the possibility of transformation to balance our more negative conscious state.\n\n\nSo sometimes, dreams are very different from our conscious views because the unconscious thinks we are too one-sided and is trying to provide balance. But sometimes dreams are in sync with our conscious views, which means the unconscious is supporting us.\nDreams can build us up or tear us down, depending on whether we are consciously feeling low or feeling inflated. \n\nBecause dreams aren’t logical, can be irrational and weird, some people think they are nonsense and dismiss them as stupid, meaningless, or worthless. But their weirdness is because they speak in symbols and metaphors as their native language. They aren’t TRYING to confuse us. They are coherent if we take the time to learn their language\nThe “you” in the dream usually represents your conscious ego, and the characters in the dream are other parts of you, parts that are less conscious or unconscious.\nDreams often pick symbols in order to elicit whatever emotion it is that the unconscious thinks we need to acknowledge.\n\n\nImportant Links:\n\nRecommended dream interpretation books\n\nDream interpretation subreddit\n\nInstagram\n\nSend me a dream! \nstuffofdreamspodcast@gmail.com\n or\nuse Send a Dream! tab in upper right cornerSpecial Guest: Beth Oller.","content_html":"

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Special Guest: Beth Oller.

","summary":"How is the pandemic affecting you? It is certainly affecting the dreams I’m interpreting on reddit. In this episode we’ll look at one of the more entertaining and bizarre dreams I’ve heard lately, and then we’ll talk with Dr. Beth Oller about being a physician in the time of Covid, as well as analyzing one of her recent dreams.","date_published":"2020-05-13T12:00:00.000-07:00","attachments":[{"url":"https://aphid.fireside.fm/d/1437767933/080db3d1-522e-45af-a256-1cc7a6e1ca5f/fe2c70cd-9d42-4b98-af88-5923a6ec6a4a.mp3","mime_type":"audio/mpeg","size_in_bytes":40216785,"duration_in_seconds":2377}]}]}